Income tax calculator for Iceland

This is a simple tax calculator to help calculate salaries after tax in Iceland, in order to see the amount you can actually spend (disposable income).

Default values are from Icelandic ministry of finance for year 2025.
You can change most numbers, in case they have changed and this calculator has not been updated.

Every person also has a tax discount of a fixed number yearly: {{personalDiscountYear | currency('', 0)}} monthly: {{personalDiscountYear / 12 | currency('', 0)}}

Currently there are 3 tax brackets:

Monthly Salary: {{ totalSalary | currency('', 0)}}
Monthly tax discount:{{ personalMonth| currency('', 0)}}
Tax from Step1 {{ taxFromStep1 | currency('', 0)}}
Tax from Step2 {{ taxFromStep2 | currency('', 0)}}
Tax from Step3 {{ taxFromStep3 | currency('', 0)}}
Total tax: {{ totalTax | currency('', 0)}}
Salary remain: {{ totalLeft | currency('', 0)}}
~Actual tax percentage: {{ realTax }}%
Tax rate and limit for each step:

Tax % in step {{index + 1}}

Salary threshold

This does NOT calculate vacation (ísl: 'orlof') nor what you pay your union (ísl: 'stéttarfélag').
Calculate vacation 'orlof' - can be 24-30 days.
Calculate union 'Verkalýdsfélag'